How Will AI Change the Future of Search Engine Optimization?


For the past several years, there has been a lot of discussion about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it would affect various industries. It has consistently prompted curious minds to learn more and figure out how it may be used to best assist humans. Robotics, health, and customer service are just a few of the industries where AI has already established itself. It’s time for SEO companies in India to take advantage of this technology right now.

  1. Voice search

As you can see, voice search is becoming more popular and will likely become the primary way users interact with search engines in the future. This is because it’s easier to use than typing out a query on a mobile device (especially if you’re driving), but also because it’s much more natural than typing in queries or typing specific commands like “find restaurants near me.”

How to Optimize For Voice Search

Voice search also has many benefits over traditional data entry methods:

Voice search is more accurate than traditional methods because it can understand complex queries and interpret meaning based on how words are spoken. For example, if you say “Indian restaurants near me” instead of just entering “Indian restaurants,” Siri knows which restaurants are closest to your current location because she understands what type of restaurant you’re looking for from context clues within your query. Traditional data entry requires manual manipulation and editing before sending the request off into cyberspace for retrieval—this takes time!

2. Semantic search

AI can be used to analyze the meaning of search terms, which will allow users to search by semantics instead of keywords. Semantic search is a type of artificial intelligence that interprets the meaning behind a word and then uses this information to better direct users through their search results. For example, if you searched for “anatomy” on Google today, you would receive pages talking about human anatomy or animal anatomy—but if AI were able to understand the context of your question as well as its meaning (e.g. what qualifies as an anatomical part), it could provide more accurate results depending on what you’re looking for:

  • “anatomical parts” might show diagrams of bones and organs
  • “anatomy quiz” might offer up multiple-choice questions about bones and organs

In addition to improving relevance and accuracy in searches, this type of technology allows our SEO Company Indore team to craft experiences that are tailored specifically for each user’s needs. 

3. Graph search

Graph search is a type of search that looks at connections between people, places, and things. It’s been available on Facebook since 2014, but it wasn’t until recently that we started to see this type of technology make its way into Google’s search algorithm. With the help of Graph Search, marketers can better understand how their audience connects with each other and what they care about most—and use that knowledge to create better content and target their audience more effectively.

4. Snippets and SERP features

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a powerful tool for growing a website’s traffic and exposure. For example, let’s say you own a local bakery and want to increase your sales by getting more customers in the door. One way you could do this is by creating an online advertisement or performing local SEO that will encourage people to visit your shop when they’re hungry for dessert. When someone searches for “bakery near me” Google will show them ads, news articles, videos, images, and other SERP features related to the query — but only if your ad appears above those results because you’ve made sure it has an optimized title tag like “The Best Bakery in Town.”

5. Image search

Image search is a new type of search. As more and more people start using it, images will become increasingly important for SEO. This is a big opportunity for businesses, marketers, and content creators as well.

6. Schema markup

Schema markup provides a way for search engines to understand your content and present it to users in a way that can be easily understood. You may have already read about structured data, but if not, here are some key points:

  • Schema markup is a type of structured data.
  • Structured data helps search engines understand what your website is about on an atomic level; in other words, it tells the engine which information is most important on each page and how it should be displayed in search results (in addition to helping you improve user experience by making sure users can find what they’re looking for).
  • The schema also tells Google which parts of each page should be highlighted when shown in SERPs so that users know exactly where they need to click or scroll down—and if there’s anything else relevant nearby (like related products or services).

7. User experience

This is not to say that your SEO efforts should be abandoned. On the contrary, you should focus more intensely on user experience (UX). Your site must adapt to these changes and provide a great experience for users with changing search habits.

In an age where voice search has become our primary method of interacting with technology, it’s important to recognize how this impacts the SEO strategy. 

User Experience

AI will make significant changes to the way SEO is done.

AI will make significant changes to the way SEO is done:

  • AI-powered search engine algorithms will continue to evolve over time, so it’s important for you to keep up with these developments in order to be effective when using your own site’s content.
  • The research process will be different from what it is today, as there are many new ways of doing research that is better than simply looking through Google Analytics data.